Genesis Fertility Center

Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)
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Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

What is IUI?

Who are eligible for IUI?

Procedure of IUI For Women

Fertility drugs are used to stimulate ovulation.

Husband is asked to produce a sperms sample on the day the treatment takes place.

The sperms is washed( centrifused) to remove the fluid surrounding them and the fast-moving sperms separated out.

These separated fast moving sperms are instilled in the uterine cavity by small plastic tube (catheter).

FAQs of IUI :

Where is the sperms collected? How long before the IUI?

Usually, the sample is collected through ejaculation into a sterile collection container. The semen is to be delivered within a half hour of ejaculation, so if one lives close enough the sample can be collected at home. If not, one has to collect a sample in the clinic in a special room.

How much time the does procedure take?

There is a delay between when the semen sample is dropped off for washing and when it is inseminated. The amount of time depends on the washing technique used, which takes 1 to 2 hours.

When is the best timing for an IUI?

Ideally, an IUI is done within a few hours of the documentation of ovulation. When timing is based on an hCG injection, the IUIs are usually done between 36-42 hours post hCG trigger. Ideal timing would be to have a single IUI at about 36 hours post-hCG. If two IUIs are scheduled, they are usually done at 24 hours and 48 hours post hCG to cover the period of ovulation.

What is the success rate for IUI?

The success rate depends upon the development of one or multiple follicles and also upon sperm count and motility. Overall success rate seems to be 10-15percent per cycle.

What does an IUI feel like?

Most of the IUI is painless. Some women experience cramps due to procedure or ovulation.

How long does washed sperm live?

Current research indicates that washed sperm can live up to 72 hours also; however, it does lose fertility power to a certain extent after 24 hours.

Do I have to lay down after an IUI?

Post IUI 15-20 minutes rest is given after which you can resume your routine work.

How long before an IUI should the male abstain from intercourse/ejaculating and store up sperms?

Lesser abstinence period gives sperms with better motility and lesser DNA fragmentation.

How soon after an IUI can I have intercourse?

Intercourse can be resumed any time after IUI. Many times advise is given to have relations for 48 hours to cover ovulation.

How come I feel wetter after the IUI — like the sperm is falling out?

The catheter loosens cervical mucus and lets it come out more easily.

How many follicles give my best chance of getting pregnant?

Ovarian stimulation gives the development of more than one follicle 2-3 follicles give better results.

Does IUI make sense when there isn’t a sperm count problem?

IUI can help on stimulated cycles where cervical mucus is a problem, and IUI increases the chance of success on injectable cycles no matter what the sperm count. It does make sense to try IUI if you can and haven’t had success with intercourse.

How high a sperm count is needed for IUI?

The sperm count of 3-5millions after the wash is required for successful IUI.

Is bleeding common after an IUI?

It doesn’t usually happen. It is most common to have some bleeding if there is trouble reaching the cervix. Some women also have light bleeding with ovulation.

How many IUIs should I try before moving on to IVF?

Six IUI is advised with hormones before moving to IVF-ICSI however 3-4 IUI gives an idea about success with IUI.